Quelques articles significatifs récemment publiés dans le domaine de la phytochimie (2012-2017)

  • 1. Segueni, N., Zellagui,A., Boulechfar, S., Derouiche, K., Rhouati. S. "Essential oil of Hertia cheirifolia leaves : chemical composition, antibacterial and antioxidant activities". J. Mater. Environ. Sci. 2017, 8 (2): 551-556.
  • 2. Labib Noman, Feza Oke-Altunats, Amar Zellagui, Ayse Sahin Yaglioglu, Ibrahim Demirtas, Susana M Cardoso, Salah Akkal, Noureddine Gherraf and Salah Rhouati". A novel benzimidazole and other constituents with anti-proliferative and antioxidant properties from Thymelaea microphylla Coss. Et Dur", Natural Prod. Letters, 2017, 1-10
  • 3. Segueni, N., Zellagui, A., Moussaoui, F., Lahouel, M., Rhouati, S. "Flavonoids from Algerian propolis". Arabian J. Chem. 2016, 9, S425–S428.
  • 4. Belattar. N., Mechehoud. Y., Benayache. S., Benlabed. K., Segueni. N., Benayache, F. "Determination of Minimum Inhibitory Concentrations of 4, 4’-diacetyldiphenylselenide in Antibacterial Activity". British J. Pharm. Res. 2016, 13(4), 1-6.
  • 5. Kacem N., Roumy V., Duhal N., Hostettmann K., Rhouati S., "Chemical composition of the essential oil from Algerian Genista quadrifora Munby and determination of its antibacterial activities". Industrial Crops and Products, 2016, 90, 87-93.
  • 6. Bousetla A., Zellagui A., Deroiche K., Rhouati S., "Chemical constituents of Algerian Bunium incrasatum and evaluation of its antimicrobial activity". Arabian J. Chem.2015, 8(3), 313-316.
  • 7. Labib Noman, Amar Zellagui, Ayse Sahin Yaglioglu, Ibrahim Demirtas and Salah Rhouati , "Antimicrobial Activity of Essential Oil Components and Antiproliferative Activity of trans-tiliroside Compound from an Endemic desert species Thymelea microphylla Coss.et Dur", Res. J. Pharm., Biol. Chem.Sci. 2015, 6(2), 671-676
  • 8. Nassira Kacem, Jean-Francois Gossens, Nathalie Duhal, Vincent Roumy, Thierry Hennebelle, Philippe Christen, Kurt Hostettamann, Salah Rhouati."Determination of alkaloids in endemic genista quadriflora Munbay (Fabaceae )",Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 2014,56, 83-87
  • 9. A. Bousetla, M. Kurkcuoglu, B. Konuklugil, K. H. C. Baser and S. Rhouati, "Composition of Essential oil from Bunium incrassatum from Algeria", Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2014, 50 (4),
  • 10. S. Cherouana, A. Touil and S. Rhouati; “Two flavonoid glycosides from Lycium arabicum Schweinf.”. Chemistry of natural compounds, 2013, 49(5), 930-31.
  • 11. A. Nacer, J. Merza, Z. Kabouche, S. Rhouati, J. Boustie, P. Richomme; “Sesquiterpene lactones from Centaureatougourensis”, Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 2012, 43, 163–165.
  • 12. A. Zellagui, N. Gherraf, M. E.F.Hegazy, S. Akkal, S. Rhouati , H. Dendougui, A. A. Ahmed, "Investigation and Antimicrobial Activity of the Roots of Ferula vesceritensis" Phytochemical, UDC.2012, 5, 05-11.