Détail de la publication

Evaluation of genetic diversity of an Algerian durum wheat (triticum durum desf.) collection.

Abstract: Dur um wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) has been extensively cu ltivated in Algeria for many centuries. During this long period, the species en countered a large diversification implied by the great diversity of climates that led to great genetic diversity of the species. The purpose of this study is to improve the management of phytogen etic resources that can serve as potential breeders for the amelioration of wheat. The study aims at evaluating the diversity of 1019 accessions of durum wheat from different r egions of Algeria and which are stored at the Constantine ITGC. The analysis of the results concerning phenological and morphophysiological characters revealed an important intra and intervarietal genetic variabilit y. Subsequently it appeared that the 1019 accessions belong to 19 bot anic varieties that differ mainly by the cob, silk and grain colours. Among the characters involved in this study, some appeared to have a direct connection with the adaptation to water st ress and thus allowed us identifying the most resistant varieties.

N° Revue: - Pagination: - Date:

URL: http://www.scihub.org/ABJNA/PDF/2011/7/ABJNA-2-7-1126-1134.pdf

Mots cles: Durum wheat, Trititicum durum , phytogenetic resources, Population,Classification, genetic diversity, morphological features, water stress.

