Détail de la publication

Effect of the interaction between nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium on growth characters and yield of wheat under dry farming conditions.

Abstract: Two field experiments were carried out in Algeria to investigate the effect of N, P and K application and their interactions on the growth characters and yield of wheat, grown on calcareous soil. Urea was applied as foliar application to one of the experiments to evaluate the supplemental application of N under dry farming conditions. The main stem height, number and height of tillers and number of leaves varied according to the levels of N, P and K application as well as to the presence or absence of urea. Straw yield significantly increased due to increasing N and K levels in the absence or presence of urea. However, grain yield significantly increased either with increasing N level in the absence of urea or with increasing P level in the absence or presence of urea. Straw yield was significantly affected by N × P interaction in the absence or presence of urea and N × P × K when urea was applied. However, grain yield was significantly affected by N × P and N × P × K interactions in the absence of urea application.

N° Revue: Arab Universities Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 13, 1 - Pagination: 105-128 - Date:

URL: http://www.cabdirect.org/abstracts/20053079083.html

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