Détail de la publication

« Estimation of Steam Production in a Receiver Under Solar Concentrating Radiation

Abstract: Solar energy is a substitute for fossil fuels mainly for power generation. A method of solar concentration of medium and high range of temperatures has been adopted for different electrical applications. In this perspective we try to evaluate the performance of a parabolic dish concentrator type on the production of steam. For this, we simulated t he evolution of the production of steam in a cylinder containing a receiver coil. The receiver is based on the focal point of the concentrator. Finally, we test the time evolution of the mass, temperature and pressure for steam at the receiver output. The prototype was realized with simple and available means making it very convenient and economical.

N° Revue: CONTEMPORARY ENGINEERING SCIENCES, V-7, 2014, N°. 17, 835 – 843, HIKARI Ltd, ISSN: 1313-6569 (P - Pagination: 835 – 84 - Date:

URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.12988/ces.2014.4652

Mots cles: Receiver, Coil, Steam, Prototype


citations: 2