Détail de la publication

Réponse à la culture in vitro de trois variétés de l’Olivier (Olea europaea L.)

Abstract: Résumé The experiment conducted in the Laboratory of Genetic, Biochémistry and plant Biotechnology (LGBBV), Faculty of Sciences, Mentouri University (Constantine) aimed to study the response of three olive cultivars (Olea europaeaL.) response to two basic tissue culture media complemented with different concentrations of growth regulators. Cuttings of Chemlal, Siguoise and Grosse de Hamma cultivars were collected from the Erkani Pilot Farm located at Hamma Bouziane. Under complete aseptic conditions explants 1cm long ...

N° Revue: Sciences & Technologie C, 26 - Pagination: 27-32 - Date:

URL: http://scholar.google.fr/scholar_url?url=http%3A%2F%2Frevue.umc.edu.dz%2Findex.php%2Fc%2Farticle%2Fview%2F373&hl=fr&sa=T&ei=oAlIWOrCBNeTmgGsoZnIAQ&scisig=AAGBfm3gORpztziMb7QMoGQ0uj4JEXRMIA&nossl=1&ws=1598x733

Mots cles: Réponse , trois, variétés , l’Olivier (Olea europaea L.)


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