Détail de la publication

Carbon isotope discrimination and yield in durum wheat grown in the high plains of Sétif (Algeria). Contribution of different organs to grain filling

Abstract: SUMMARY–The three main objectives of the present study, carried out in durum wheat grown in the high-plains of Sétif (Algeria), were:(i) to examine the genotype x environment interactions for grain yield;(ii) to analyse the relationship between yield and the carbon isotope discrimination (?) of grain and different organs (flag leaf, peduncle, rachis and awns); and (iii) to study the contribution of these organs to the grain filling. The usefulness of? analysis in breeding programs and interest of performing it in different organs for a ...

N° Revue: Durum Wheat Improvement in the Mediterranean Region: New Challenges, Options, Méditerranéennes ,40 - Pagination: 145-147 - Date:

URL: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Othmane_Merah/publication/254416142_Carbon_isotope_discrimination_and_yield_in_durum_wheat_grow_in_the_high_plains_of_Setif_Algeria_Contribution_of_different_organs_to_grain_filling/links/00b7d534672f31d240000000.

Mots cles: Carbon i , grown ,Contribution different organs


citations: http://scholar.google.fr/scholar?oi=bibs&hl=fr&cites=2560469231770962726&as_sdt=5