Détail de la publication

Analyse du déterminisme génétique de la biomasse et de l'indice de récolte dans un croisement diallèle en orge (Hordeum vulgare L.)

Abstract: Abstract: Genetic determinism of plant biomass and harvest index was studied in an 8x8 half diallel of bar@(Hordeum vulgare L.), grown at the Agricultaral Research Station of Setif. Results showed preponderance of non additive genetic actions in the inheritance of plant biomass and hatvest index. This was shown by the variante ratio of specific to general combinig abilitîes. Dominante acted in the direction of high expression of the means of both traits which were highly correlated with grain yield. Narrow sens heritability was I&v in ...

N° Revue: - Pagination: - Date:

URL: http://scholar.google.fr/scholar_url?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdspace.ensa.dz%3A8080%2Fjspui%2Fhandle%2F123456789%2F1082&hl=fr&sa=T&ei=_gdIWKUGj4CYAZT-pvAL&scisig=AAGBfm2rHnuAlpjnDOIuL6FN890KjwEQVQ&nossl=1&ws=1598x733

Mots cles: Analyse ,. génétique ,. biomasse diallèle


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